Current Weather Conditions. Station Located 2 miles NW of Beaver Dam, WI.
Elev. 888.7 ft. 43° 30' 10" N. 88° 51' 42" W.  Updated 2/9/2025 at 07:25 AM
Today's High:
Today's Low:
Gusting to:
Peak today:
17° F.
21.8° F. at 12:09 AM
16.4° F. at 6:58 AM
30.26 in. Rising slowly
NW 3 mph
5.0 mph
15 mph at 3:12 AM
Precip last hour:
Precip last 24 hrs:
Precip Yesterday:
Precip today:
Precip this month:
Precip this year:
0.00 in.
0.00 in.
0.00 in.
0.00 in.
0.01 in.
0.01 in.
Pyro Dan's Place
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Biker Stuff Swingin' Pinbusters

Final Standings/Stats/Payout
Current Financial Report
League Rules
Minutes of last Meeting
Agenda for next Meeting

Relays for Late Model Guzzis
Front Brake Switches
Magnetic Reed Switches
Cal 1100i Electrical Schematic
Cal 1100i Electrical Schematic
P7-P8 EFI Workshop Manual
Megacycle Cam Specs c. 1998
Megacycle 620-x9 Cam Specs c. 2019
Moto Guzzi Cam Specs
Manfred Hecht's Raceco Catalog c. 1998
Trailer Hitch Plan A
Trailer Hitch Mount


2003 Fall Crud Run
2003 MN Guzzi Rally
2003 MOKAN Guzzi Rally
'71-'72 "Cycle" Mag Scans
2004 MN Moto Guzzi Rally
2004 MOKAN Guzzi Rally
2004 Fall Crud Run
2004 Christmas Party
2005 IL Moto Guzzi Rally
2005 Skunk Rally
2005 IA Moto Guzzi Rally
2005 & 2009 MN Moto Guzzi Rally
2009 Skunk Rally

Ordering Info, Specs, Data
Ordering Info, Specs, Data
Ordering Info, Specs, Data
11" x 17" Drawing
2-8½" x 11" pages
For Reference

Misc. Stuff

2008 Beaver Dam, WI Flood